AI allows hyper-personalization

🌿 Budding · 2 mins

The true power of generative AI is not in the mass production of broadcast content, but in the ability to hyper-personalize individual assets and pieces of content on a 1:1 or near-1:1 basis.

For example, genAI might lead to a world where brands can personalize their ads based on the individual who is looking at them—something that Meta and other platforms are already enabling, to an extent, with their genAI offer. This was also discussed by Kirsten Green in a recent interview (AI Can Jump-Start Consumer Brands, Investors and Founders Say).

However, if we take this to an extreme, we may also end up completely eliminating the value of the brand. A brand is a collection of elements that remain stable over time for a wide audience. The brand may present itself slightly differently at times, but the core of the brand should remain the same.

GenAI may usher in an era where the brand is irrelevant, and it’s all about the product: based on the product, we’re going to build different ads and shopping experiences that cater to the person we want to sell to. (For the time being, this only applies to e-commerce, but could it also happen in the real world thanks to spatial computing?)

The other question, however, is: do we need this level of personalization? There are increasing signs that Personalization may be harmful.


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