Conversion is fleeting, maturation is stable

🌱 Seedling · 1 min

There are two ways for people to change: conversion and maturation.

  • Conversion is when a person or situation changes suddenly, as a result of an external force or influence.
  • Maturation is when a person or situation changes gradually, as a result of internal search and reflection.

Conversion is fleeting

St. Paul experienced a conversion: he saw God on his way to Damascus and became a Christian. Paul will spend his entire life fearing a second conversion, which may, once again, lead him astray from Christianity.

This is the big problem with conversion: it is fleeting. Because it’s externally imposed, you can’t know when you are going to experience another conversion which may completely reverse the first one.

Conversion puts you at the mercy of others.

Maturation is stable

Maturation is genuine and stable, and it stands the test of time. Maturation is, by definition, not susceptible to external forces. It’s the result of a deliberate and long process of research, reflection and comparison.

Maturation leads to long-lasting change, because Ideas need to be grappled with.


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