The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership
Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Klemp
- “the team that sees reality the best wins.”
- People gossip to gain validation, control others and outcomes, avoid conflict, get attention, feel included, and make themselves right by making others wrong. In short, people usually gossip out of fear.
- Tags: [[psychological-safety]] [[leadership]] [[psychology]] [[gossip]]
- Breaking agreements with yourself undermines integrity just as much as breaking an agreement with another. Both break the flow of energy.
- Tags: [[leadership]] [[psychology]]
- Refusing appreciation robs the other person of a chance to give you their gift.
- when people bump into an Upper Limit, “something happens” that helps bring them back down to a level where they feel safe and comfortable again.
- …fear guards the line between the zone of excellence and the ultimate zone of genius.
- Do you see that having to be right is making you suffer?
- Conscious leaders regularly ask themselves, “What is the core want driving this (surface) desire?”
- Other people don’t even have to consciously commit to being your ally. If you are committed to experiencing them that way, they are always instrumental to your growth.
- Life tickles us first, pushes us second, and then hits us over the head with a brick.
- we think that one of a coach’s core commitments is to lovingly hold pressure to help others confront their resistance.
- “Trying is wanting credit for something you never intend to do.”
- Tags: [[productivity]] [[leadership]]
- Are you willing to renegotiate all agreements related to this issue that you no longer have a whole body YES to keeping?
- Are you willing to honor your rhythms of rest and renewal, and sprint and recovery around this issue?
- Tags: [[happiness]] [[leadership]]