Escaping the Build Trap

Melissa Perri


  • Companies end up in the build trap when they misunderstand value. Instead of associating value with the outcomes they want to create for their businesses and customers, they measure value by the number of things they produce.
    • Tags: [[product-management]]
  • To be strategic and to have people operate strategically, we need to stop judging teams based on the quantity of features shipped. We should instead define and measure value and then celebrate them for delivering on outcomes for our business and users.
    • Tags: [[product-management]]
  • Product management is the domain of recognizing and investigating the known unknowns and of reducing the universe around the unknown unknowns.
    • Tags: [[product-management]]
  • Strategy is a deployable decision-making framework, enabling action to achieve desired outcomes, constrained by current capabilities, coherently aligned to the existing context.
    • Tags: [[strategy]] [[leadership]]
  • The best solutions are linked to real problems that users want solved. Product managers use a process to identify which of those problems the team can solve to further the business and achieve the strategy.
    • Tags: [[product-management]]
  • Corporations love to talk about risk management. The irony is that experimentation is the ultimate risk-management strategy
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